My spiritual visitors take on the appearance of burning balls of ice. Here I have my Bible on my head and I am asking for God’s intervention in a crisis.
I am gazing out the window, telling God I will use the knowledge He has given me to teach His truths. There is much spiritual activity in the room behind me.
Here in the saddle of our mesquite tree, one of our brightest visitations appeared above my husband. This is not a full moon. The blurred anomaly is also interesting.
This is my bedroom, which has proven to be a hot-spot of spiritual activity. Sometimes there are many entities and sometimes only one to three.
This rocketing visitor appeared almost to the very moment I was told my brother had died in his home in La Mesa, California.
A friend’s husband lay dying in a hospital in San Diego, California. My husband and I wished him a peaceful Godspeed. The house filled with evidence of the request.
This orb was large and moving, which gives it a slightly unfocused look in a still photo. This spirit is solid enough to cover the seam from the ceiling and wall.
This moving spirit showed itself in the broad daylight of my back window.
It is comforting to see that my spiritual visitor makes no distinction between day and night hours. ” . . . lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Matthew 28:20
Spirit movers are always the most interesting. You can see the contrails of where this energy form has been and the glowing light of its nucleus as it jets across the normal landscape of my couch.
I appear to have one spiritual visitor who stays with me always.
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